Zelda Williams Slams A.I. Devs

Stream Notes: 10/6/23
On the Topic of A.I…

Discussion Recap

Artificial Intelligence was a major hit for the chat this week when Zelda WIlliams, daughter of the late Robin Williams, made a public statement against AI recreations of her father.

AI has been spoken about before on the live, whether because of pornographic deep-fakes or because of the recent SAG-AFTRA strike. Its use in media to mimic or replicate actors for many reasons- age, death, or modification of the image- is not new; the ability to profit off of it without the express permission or contracts required is.

This opened up another conversation in the chat with Freedom of the Press and Free Speech: Should this be allowed; Should people be allowed to profit off of likenesses when the “original” cannot give consent; Are actors basically selling their likeless forever to companies; What if you aren’t profiting?

In contrast, Soda would enjoy the opportunity to have loved ones exist in some way, shape, or form on his computer. Citing a personal example, he went into detail of the possibilities. This led to a charismatic discussion of where the line could or would be drawn, namely if permission had not been given but someone was making money.

As Mariner and Hiro state, the legal ramifications of fraudulent evidence and the moral implications of portraying these or other actions by computer-generated-images, ensures that this will not be the last time we hear of this ever-evolving conversation.

To see the Live, check out the following link. The A.I. discussion begins around the 53 minute mark.


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