
Stream Notes: 9/13/24
PS5 Pro’s “eye watering, face melting, spine crushing price tag”

I’m borrowing this article’s title from MontyCircus’s post on, because it’s a brilliant title and I couldn’t think of anything more poignant.

So, yeah…Sony making headlines…the wrong kind…again. Do these megacorps not learn from each other’s past mistakes? You would think these people would learn some self-awareness given the fact that their market shares are dropping and their popularity with consumers is plummeting. If it were me, I’d be leaning back in my very expensive leather chair, maybe looking out the windows of my overly priced office, and thinking, “What’s going on?”

But, no. Those in charge are instead thinking to themselves, “How can I enlarge my Christmas bonus package?”

Now, I admit that’s hyperbolic, but that’s what this feels like.

The new PS5 Pro is coming out, and is priced at $700. Boooo, Sony, booooooo!!!

Here’s the reason for this negative reaction: it’s an unnecessary price tag on an unnecessary upgrade. The new console is said to be able to support 8K screens. Chieftain and Hiro pointed out on the Live podcast that the ability to support 8K screens is pointless. The human eye cannot distinguish the difference between 4K and 8K. So what’s the point?

Back when the PS4 Pro was offered, with 4K support, it made sense to upgrade from the standard PS4 because you could actually see the difference. A tangible benefit the price tag at release of $400. Beside that, the 4K TVs were closer to being mainstream, and games were being made with 4K in mind. Now, games devs may have 8K in mind, but I have not yet seen any 8K TVs at my local Wal-mart.

“Hey, everyone! Go buy an 8K TV so you can see these awesome improvements on the PS5 Pro!” Oh, wait…you can’t.

Other Topics Discussed on This Live…

  • Space Marines 2: Shorter Games for the Win or Lose?
  • Woke Boycotts Don’t Work
  • RIP James Earl Jones
  • No Batman in Batman Series?
  • We’re not gonna Take This!
  • Cautionary Tale for the Great Gazoo
  • A Proper Take on the Gaming Industry

To see the Live stream, check out the following link. The PS5 topic begins around the 30 minute mark.


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